
Showing posts from September, 2021

A Brief Look at Revision Weight Loss Surgery Procedures

Revision weight loss surgery is also known as a revision weight loss transplant surgery. This kind of surgery involves changing the size of a part of your body, rather than the whole organ. This surgery will most often be used to treat patients with a condition known as obesity. The surgery itself is fairly uncomplicated, but complications can arise from it, which can include a host of serious problems. To better understand this surgery, it's important to have a better understanding of what revision weight loss surgery really is and how it works. So what is bariatric revision weight loss surgery? This kind of surgery can be performed in various different ways. One common way is through what's called a sub-total abdominoplasty. In this case, the surgeon makes a total transformation of your abdomen, altering the size and shape of it. From there, any remaining part of your body is left untouched, resulting in you losing weight effectively and quickly. Another very popula...

Bariatric Procedures, With revision

Revision weight loss surgery, also called revision surgery, is a surgical procedure that is usually performed on patients who've had unsuccessful attempts at dieting and who have either had serious side effects from these dieting efforts or haven't really reached desired weight loss goals from the original surgery. If you're considering undergoing a this procedure, you should understand what it entails and what its long-term effects could be. Weight loss surgery aims to make your body feel fuller faster so that you can stop yourself from frequently snacking between meals. It also aims to improve your health in other ways by making you avoid certain foods that are more likely to cause weight gain. In the case of revision weight loss surgery, you are likely to undergo two procedures. The first one is called the Roux-en-Y surgery and it involves creating a smaller incision in your abdomen. Your abdominal muscles will be repositioned, which should lead to a less drastic e...

What to Expect After Bariatric Revision Surgery

Revision weight loss surgery is also known as a repeat surgery. It is a surgery that is performed specifically on patients that have either already undergone a gastric bypass surgery, or have otherwise not reached desired weight loss goals from their original gastric bypass surgery. In both of these cases, it's not uncommon for a surgeon to perform a revision. But in the case of revision weight loss surgery, what the surgeon does isn't a complete revision, but a "restore." The goal after a restore is usually longer lasting, more dramatic results. For most patients who undergo revision weight loss surgery, their primary physician is the one who provides most of their medical care. Because this is so, the primary care physician is likely involved in the decision regarding exercise plans, what foods should be eaten, and how much exercise should be done. He or she may oversee all of the activities and make the decisions about when to ask for hospitalization, if fo...

Non Invasive Weight Loss Diet Delivery System For Safe and Effective Obesity Control

Non invasive weight loss surgery is something that is done on a very small scale and by a highly trained surgeon. It can also be a relatively simple procedure where the stomach is removed and stitched back up. In the most extreme cases the stomach, duodenum, jejunum or a part of the small intestine is removed. The surgeon makes an incision from hip to hip and then attaches it to the abdominal wall. There are two main types of surgery; restrictive and combined. Restricted surgery involves tightening the abdominal wall, while combined surgery involves tightening the full duodenum. A popular type of surgery that is quite successful is called Zhu-Qian Surgery. This operation involves inserting a laparoscope, or an eight-inch tube, into your mouth. Then the surgeon inserts a plastic bag filled with liquid diet pills and then seals the bag closed. Your stomach is then reduced to its smallest size possible so that your body can absorb the liquid diet pills. The resulting reduction in ...