Non Invasive Weight Loss Surgery - Which Procedure is Best For You?
Non invasive weight loss surgery, sometimes called anorexia nervosa surgery, is a medical procedure that removes or regulates the amount of food that a person consumes. Typically, this surgery is for those individuals who have abnormally low appetites and have difficulty consuming calories. This is usually achieved by surgically removing part or all of the stomach. Sometimes, the operation involves bypassing part of the upper portion of the small intestine and inserting a tube or tiny camera into the abdomen to monitor the stomach as it empties. Other times, the stomach is simply reduced in size.

Most common in China, Japan, and other Asian countries, Zhu (traditional name for wolfberry) is a popular non-surgical alternative to HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). The plant contains compounds that resemble a drug that regulates appetite; it has been shown to reduce hunger and increase energy while partially suppressing brain activity. It is available in pill form. Popular brands include Diethallow, which are marketed under several names and is also used as an appetite suppressant; and Zola.
A related type of surgery, Enteral Glandectomy, is performed for those who have a growth in the abdomen caused by certain growths or tumors. Removing part of the intestine results in the stomach being reduced in size and can be done with little to no surgical intervention. However, if the tumor or growth is malignant, it will need to be removed via surgery. Many of these surgeries are performed in hospitals with outpatient surgery practices.
For the most part, these surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis because they do not require a hospital stay. If there is pain after eating, the patient can take Tylenol to relieve the symptoms and return to the doctor at that time. Non-weight loss surgery for weight loss, such as Duan and Zhu Qin, are done less frequently. Patients are usually advised to stay active and eat light meals throughout the recovery period and then resume normal eating habits two weeks after the procedure.
Duan and Zhu Qin are both procedures used to remove or reduce a benign (non-cancerous) growth from the digestive tract. They both use the same general methodology, which is to divide the stomach into two areas, the upper and lower, with the upper part made into a pouch that can be filled with fluid. The upper pouch contains the food that will be eliminated while the lower pouch stores nutrients for later use. This is a minimally invasive technique with no incisions or scars. There is also no evidence of excessive bleeding or infection. The best appetite suppressant is backed up by a solid food fast followed by a liquid diet within a day or two.
The Duan and Zhu Qin techniques allow patients to increase their activity level in order to lose more weight compared to if they had not had the surgery. The best appetite suppressant used by these two techniques is identified as xylitol. This substance prevents bacteria from attaching itself to the sugars in the foods that are taken during the surgery. The stomach is also not put under unnecessary pressure, reducing the risk of ulcers and reducing the risk of gallstones. The best appetite suppressant is backed up by a solid food fast followed by a liquid diet within a day or two.
One of the newest and most exciting techniques for reducing weight is called Duan Shiatsu. This procedure uses pressure on the meridian points between the chin and the abdominal wall. This pressure causes the autonomic nervous system to send signals that the stomach is full, which helps to reduce the amount of food that the patient takes, while triggering a natural weight loss process in the body.
The best choice for an anti suppression surgery is determined by your unique situation. If you are obese, you should consult your surgeon for options that will work best for you. If you are not obese and just need to lose weight, then you may want to try using one of the above procedures. It is important to remember that this type of surgery is only one option and that other changes in your lifestyle are necessary to achieve long term success.
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