Preparation for Revision Weight Loss Surgery

Revision weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery is often the last option for those with extreme obesity. This surgery has many risks, but if you are suffering extreme obesity, it may be the only option. Bariatric surgery does work, but sometimes there are other options that will work better. This article will discuss bariatric surgery as a method for weight loss.

After any major surgery, the stomach is usually bruised and sore. It may take weeks for a full recovery, but after the stomach is healed, most people can eat normally. If you have just undergone revision weight loss surgery, then your doctor will most likely place you on a modified diet, which decreases your calorie intake. They will advise you to keep a log of the calories you consume so that you are on a healthy, steady path to losing the excess weight. Once you are off the modified diet, your doctor will advise you to start an exercise routine and monitor you closely for possible complications.

In some cases, the amount of calories that a person eats in the first surgery is so low that it causes severe complications. Your physician will probably give you counseling on how to change your lifestyle to avoid these complications. Some doctors will recommend that you eat very small amounts of food or even eliminate them all together. These surgeons do not recommend starving yourself because this can lead to dehydration, organ damage or even death.

Bariatric surgeons generally do not recommend severe weight loss surgery for patients with acid reflux disease. This disease is usually accompanied by serious complications, including organ damage. Only about 10% of patients with acid reflux disease will experience lasting results after their first surgery. The number one reason for this is the difficulty of regaining your appetite and the long term risk involved with undergoing a new surgical procedure. Patients with acid reflux disease are also likely to have problems with their initial surgeries, which may require additional surgeries to correct.

Most people who have their initial revision weight loss surgery done to correct their reflux have better long-term outcomes than those who do not have their initial operations. In the vast majority of cases where people have had to have revision procedures, their doctor was right when he or she indicated that they should lose the excessive amount of weight. These patients generally have higher energy levels and are able to better manage their diets and live more active lives. Patients who have had to have multiple surgeries may also be at a higher risk for complications later in life, including osteoporosis, back pain, heart disease, high cholesterol and complications with diabetes.

Patients should be prepared for the possibility that they will have a number of long-term complications as a result of having their revision weight loss surgery. These can include depression and anxiety as well as feelings of low self esteem. These feelings will only last temporarily however, and in many cases they will actually diminish once you get started on your dietary and exercise regimen. Many patients are surprised to discover that they enjoy their lives so much more after the operation has gone through and corrected their medical issues.

If you are thinking about having any kind of revision weight loss surgery, it is important that you speak with your doctor about the complications you are likely to face. This will help you determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the operation and whether you are at risk for complications. The doctor will also evaluate your medical history as well as your lifestyle and recommend whether you should undergo the operation. Only your doctor can make this determination.

Your first step in the process of selecting a surgeon to perform your first revision weight loss surgery will be to find a surgeon that you are comfortable with and who has a good track record. Once you have chosen the surgeon you feel most comfortable with then you should schedule a consultation appointment with them. During the consultation your surgeon should be able to tell you all of the risks and complications that are involved with their procedure as well as discuss how you will need to prepare for your operation. The doctor may also suggest some alternative treatments to help you along the way before the operation.


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